The Viewfinder

Workshop Review - Photographing the Night Sky

31 Jul 2022 6:02 PM | Kathleen Kinser, CPP (Administrator)

Comets, Meteors & the Milky Way, Oh My!
We learned so much about photographing the night sky!

Michael Crawley Night Sky Photography Class reviewed by Shelly England

We learned so much in our day workshop with Michael Crawley! When it was over my head was spinning like a star trail! He covered it from A - Z and we could have gone for many more days.

We went over equipment. Carbon is worth it, sturdy is key. And oh, reflective tape might help thee. Lenses, filters and settings too. Color gels, battery packs and whatever you lack. Other essentials: Friends, water and Buc-ees Beaver Nuggets but remember whatever you pack, you must lug it!

We learned about apps and how to use them - Photo Pills is worth the ten dollar bill.

Michael also covered:

  • Light pollution and how to find dark places. In Houston, this means not many spaces.
  • Lunar photography and settings to shoot the moon,
  • Processing your photos in Adobe Light Room.

Light painting looks like so much fun - take a flash or a flashlight and paint like the sun.

Astronomical twilight and, ah, there are too many things to highlight. Alas, if you want to know, off to Michael's class you should go!

With all of our knowledge, we are off to see the sky, the wonderful Night Sky!

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