The Viewfinder

Workshop Review - "Colt"ivating Great Clients

31 Aug 2022 1:20 PM | Kathleen Kinser, CPP (Administrator)

Building a Business that Reflects You

Presented by Colt Melrose, CPP

Colt Melrose hosted his workshop “Colt”ivating Great Clients on Saturday, August 27, 2022 in his photography studio at the Sawyer Yards. He began his workshop by asking each of the attendees to ponder some key questions that would help them analyze themselves as photographers and business owners. Understanding simple yet not so simple aspects of their personality helps set the foundation of each individual to succeed professionally.

Not only knowing your personality, but understanding it and how it serves and communicates with others is helpful in building your business. Time was given to self-reflect and then discussion ensued regarding participant’s answers. An open discussion revealed there are many ways to communicate with clients, but are we being clear with our message? Ultimately, are we attracting the clients we wish and are we serving them to the best of our ability with the goals we have set for ourselves?  

GOALS…Yes, those were discussed too. In order to make progress, one must learn from our own experiences, reflecting on why things went so well, or the contrary where things could have gone better. We must realize what makes each of us unique and special in that because, let’s state the obvious, only YOU can be you ;). Therefore, the things that someone else can do that don’t make your business have “your touch” source it out, if possible. The time saved will give you more time to do only what “you” can do best for your clients.

Taking action is key with any goal in life. So since we discussed goals at the workshop, we took action by building a storyboard of our current process identifying key elements needed to achieve certain goals. So many eye-opening tactics were shared by Colt that he even made participants think of key elements that define their business to create a mission statement. He followed it up by sharing his personal family mission statement, demonstrating that key values important to his family are at the front of his business model to maintain focus and joy in life.

For lunch, we walked over to Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co. and we networked with each other while Colt addressed several questions participants had from the morning presentation.

After lunch, sales was the topic for the afternoon. Keeping the sales process clear and simple will help the client understand and make decisions easier. It was evident that many business owners struggle with the same mind blocks. Learning ways to keep the process simple and consistent will help overcome these mind blocks.  

The business process from how we see ourselves to what we want to do and who we want to serve all help improve our current business management. If we have a better understanding of ourselves and this process, then creating or rather “colt”ivating great clients will be easier.

Overcoming objections is a process, one that can be broken down by educating our clients.

But first, we must educate ourselves and always invest in our own education.  

Simple take aways from this workshop are:

1)    Be YOU because nobody else can!

2)    Price simply. If you can’t understand your pricing, neither will your client.

3)    Keep learning by attending workshops, reading, listening to podcasts.

4)    Surround yourself with positive people who support you.

5)    Be confident. Mirror the clients you want to attract.

6)    What does your website say about YOU and what you offer? Is it clear?

7)    New problems aren’t bad, they bring growth.

8)  Train your brain to say “you choose to” instead of “you have to.”

Participants standing (left to right):  Stephanie Albers, Denzal Lovett, Ron Vachon, Scott Holleman  

Sitting: Colt Melrose, and Douglas Burns

Review and photos by Cari McFarlane

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