The Viewfinder

Workshop Review

21 Mar 2024 10:27 AM | Kathleen Kinser, CPP (Administrator)

Websites That Sell

Workshop Review by Cari McFarlane

The workshop “Websites That Sell” was presented by Megan Murray, CPP on Thursday, February 29th, 2024 at Megan Murray’s photography studio located on Sabine Street in Houston, TX. Attended by eight professional photographers with different genres and years of experience allowed for a wonderful opportunity for critique, questions and feedback from all participants in a respectful and educational manner.

The workshop consisted of a thorough discussion of the building blocks needed for any website, components that attract or repel visitors, ways to use your website as a marketing machine, and how to analyze the traffic it receives.

Prior to the workshop, the registered attendees were requested to provide the URL address for their own existing website so Megan could look at and prepare feedback to be given to each attendee during the workshop. Incorporating a visit to the various websites into her presentation allowed attendees to analyze and discuss how best to implement the techniques being discussed on a personal level.

Attendees received information with detailed explanations as to what makes a good website and followed up by visiting various websites to examine each one using the checklists presented. Various ideas were discussed to enhance and improve different aspects of the websites. Megan involved the attendees by collaborating with them on different ways of communicating the desired information to make each website more impactful.

Discussing the purpose and clarity of message was analyzed on every website
page. Key elements of each page were reviewed to strengthen and attract more visitors to the website. This workshop covered both designing the perfect
website and how to use your website to help with marketing, scheduling, and
booking more clients. This workshop was conducted in a relaxed yet very organized manner allowing the group to collaborate and become closer together by encouraging friendly critiques and ideas to implement for each other’s websites.

Pictured from left to right:
Front row:
Linda Susman, Maryanne Keeling, Theresa Campbell, Patty Okelberry Back row: Tony Chicas, Duane Blocker, Fred Rogers, Megan Murray
Pictures taken by: Cari McFarlane

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