PPGH is only successful because our members contribute their time and effort to help our meetings, events, and workshops benefit the whole membership. We are always looking for new members to get involved in the guild and working on a committee is an excellent way to contribute to the guild and also get to know other guild members. Please fill out a committee application if you want to join a committee.

Standing Committees

Financial Review Committee

Responsibility is to provide an audit report to the general membership and the audit report is to be adopted by a majority vote at the first regular Board meeting of the year.

  • Duane Blocker, CPP. (Chairman)
  • Aileen Harding, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.
  • Teri Whittaker, M.Photog., Cr., CPP. 
  • Kim Christensen, CPP.
  • Kathy Kinser, CPP.
  • Megan Murray 


The sole function of this committee shall be to present a slate of nominees for office to the general membership for a vote. This committee is made up of at least two Past Presidents and 3 Active Members.

  • Duane Blocker, CPP.  (Chairman).
  • Jordan Scheiner (Pres. Elect).
  • Teri Whittaker, M. Photog.,Cr., CPP.
  • Belinda Higgins-Standford, M. Photog.,Cr., CPP.
  • Tom Hathcock, M. Photog.,Cr., CPP.
  • Laura Mansur, Cr. Photog., CPP.


Adhoc committee that works with the Board of Directors to draft changes to the Bylaws.

  • Duane Blocker, CPP. (Chairman)
  • Teri Whittaker, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.
  • Aileen Harding, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.
  • Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.
  • Carol Andrews, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.

Executive Directors  Committee

  • Duane Blocker, CPP. Chairman
  • Teri Whittaker, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.
  • Belinda Higgins-Standford, M. Photog.,Cr., CPP
  • Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.
  • Carol Andrews, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.

Action Committees


Responsible for working with the Membership Director in promoting and welcoming new members, maintaining active membership involvement and helping register with monthly meetings activities.

  • Brenda Kieso, CPP.  (Chairman)

PPGH Workshop Series

Responsible for the planning and executing guild workshops and PPA Continuing Education Merit programs. 

  • Kathy Kinser, CPP. (Chairman)
  • Brenda Kieso, CPP.


Responsible for contact the membership as needed to communicate guild information.

  • TBD (Chairman)
  • Need Volunteers

Graphic Design

Responsible to capture images from all guild events for historical and communication purposes.
  • Douglas Burns (Chairman)


Responsible for checking Fellowship points to be awarded to PPGH members at the end of the year.

  • Colt Melrose  (Chairman)


This committee is a dedicated to creating, maintaining, and updating all guild online website presences. They work with other committees and the Board of Directors to add and disseminate guild information.

  • Duane Blocker, CPP. (Chairman)
  • Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.
  • Kevin Falcon, Cr., CPP.

Social Media

Responsible to disseminate information on monthly meetings and events as well as promote the guild on social media sites in which the guild participates.

  • Jordan Scheiner,  (Chairman)


Responsible to capture images from all guild events for historical and communication purposes.

  • Laura Mansur, Cr., CPP.  (Chairman)

Image Competition

Responsible for the administering the guild image competition. Also organizes and keeps the image competition scores which goes toward the end of year recognition awards.

  • Tara Flannery, CPP. Chairman
  • Duane Blocker, CPP.
  • Shelly England, CPP.


Responsible for organizing and layout of the ViewFinder monthly publication. Members work with Chair to help write articles and petition members to submit articles. In addition, this committee help draft any guild related communications.

  • Duane Blocker, CPP (Chairman)

Mentor Program

Responsible to administer the Mentor Program for active members.

  • Ron Vachon, (Chairman)
  • Duane Blocker

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