Kelly Willis - Painter and Photoshop Combined Including Various Filters

  • 18 May 2015
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 205 E San Augustine, Ste A, Deer Park TX 77536
  • 0


  • Registration type for Professional Active, Degreed Professional Active, Associate,Aspiring, Lifetime,Honorary Student & Retired members.
  • We always welcome guests to the guild.
  • member of another guild

Registration is closed

Painter & Photoshop Combined Including Various Filters

Kelly Willis

An All Day Merit PPA Sponsored Educational Program

Program time
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Are you tired of the "same ol' same ol'" products when selling to your customers?  Do you want to offer a product that will set yourself apart from all the rest?  Spending a little extra time creating something different not only provides you with added income, but also can provide you with a little artistic freedom.

This class will start with going through the Painter software very quickly, lightly touching on the interface and various brushes - including how to change brush characteristics.  We will all work on the same image in Painter and learn light skin retouching/painting to get you comfortable working in Painter.

Then we will focus on YOU!  Bring at least 2-3 images that you love and we will discuss your style including color harmony.  We will take your images into Painter & Photoshop and using various filters create a painting or fine art piece that you can sell!  The techniques you use in this class will be techniques that you can use daily in your studio.

What to bring:

  • A laptop with Painter and Photoshop installed
  • A graphics tablet - preferably Wacom - with the latest drivers installed
  • 2 to 3 (or more) images that you want to take to the next level

Filters:  We will go over various filters that I have to show what they do and what you can do with them including Nik Color Efex Pro 4, OnOne, Alien Skin, and Topaz, but you do not need these installed on your computer.

Meeting Location:
205 E San Augustine
Suite A
Deer Park, TX 77536

This is a limited workshop. Book your place NOW before it fills up.

No Refunds.
Any affiliate guild member or non-member photographer can sign-up to PPGH's mini-workshops starting 14 days prior to event. The event registration will be active at that time.

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