Monthly Meeting | "Portraiture and Depth of the Spirit" by Darton Drake

  • 18 Jun 2013
  • 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • United Way building, 50 Waugh Dr. and Feagan, Houston, Tx


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • This is for our Active members only. Attend the PPGH meeting only.
  • YOU are paying for the meeting only and your Image contest fee. Meeting $25.00 Image Fee $10.00
  • Choose this option if you are first time guest.
  • If a Life Time members wants to enter the image contest.
  • Lifetime & Honorary members can attend monthly meetings for free.
  • Non-Member of PPGH. If your dues have lapsed your classification has been changed to NON-MEMBER
  • Turkey or Ham with pickle,chips and cookie
  • Student with a Student ID

Registration is closed

"Portraiture and Depth of the Spirit"

This is a program you do not want to miss ! !

Darton Drake is one of the premier speakers on Photographic Portraiture in the country. His presentation will not only be inspirational and uplifting, but also highly informative.

Through the use of several digital slide shows he will show his images and in some cases show you how he went from original exposure to a final piece of artwork. He will explain his theories about the art of photography, including how to create an honest rapport with your subjects and how to wait for that magic moment before releasing the shutter. After this program, you will leave with a brand new perspective as well as the skills to raise your artistry and imagery to the next level. Not only will you benefit, but your customers will benefit as well along with the reputation of your Studio. Enthusiasm, desire and a new energy will fill your camera room and your heart.

What surprises many about Darton's work is that he uses only one 4'x6' Soft Box and two or three reflectors for all of his portraiture. Along with covering all of the photography lighting basics (including standard, modified, short, split, broad and Rembrandt lighting) he will also show a few of his own personal lighting techniques.

Darton will also cover topics including composition, balance, perspective, color harmony, posing and camera angle as well as how to use textures in your images to make them truly unique and amazing.

Some of the mottos Darton lives by include the following:

“A photograph is what a person looks like, but a portrait is who they are!"

"It is a privilege to capture the spirit of another human being!”

“It's not what's in your hand that makes the portrait, it's what's in your heart!”

To find out more about Darton Drake, you may go to:

Meeting Day Agenda
  • 3-4 pm Board Meeting

  • 4-5 pm Registration and Social Hour

  • 5-6 pm Image Competition
    **Please remain quiet so all makers may hear their scores and critiques**

  • 6-7 pm Dinner/Social Time

  • 7-9 pm Program

NEW Meeting Location: 
United Way-Greater Houston
Cross Streets: Near the intersection of Waugh Dr and Feagan St Neighborhoods: Washington Ave., Memorial

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