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Color and Composition, How They ImpactYour Image Want to take your images to the next level?By understanding and applying the proper useof color and good composition, along withgood technical skills, you can do just that.Color has a language all its own. It has power.It makes a statement. Color affects yourmood. Learn the magic of color and how touse it to improve your images. Color canaugment the message you wish to portray inyour image. In this workshop, you will learnabout color intensity, hue, saturation andvalue as well as the following colorcombinations:
Composition will also be covered in thisworkshop. Composition is defined as thecombining of distinct parts or elements toform a whole. A good composition can havegreat impact on your image by causing theviewer to keep exploring within the frame.Your images may have beautiful lighting,wonderful color harmony, great posing andwonderful expressions, but if your overallcomposition is not good, it can kill the image.You will learn about:
Karen received Best Portrait of a Child byPPGH 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. In 2013and 2014, she was named a Gold Medalist by PPA.Both years, all four images received a merit with twoof them selected for the Loan Collection book.Between 2012 and 2013, three of her images werechosen for the Showcase Book. She will be receivingher Master of Photography at Imaging USA in February 2015. "Tumbleweeds" was awardedCurator's Choice at FotoFest 2013.
Packaging Your Personality and OtherLessons in Operating a Studio.After reading a book entitled “It Takes so Littleto be Above Average” many years ago, Cindystarted becoming aware of how all the littlethings can add up to being big and powerful.Now that you have taken your images to thenext level, finish strong and memorably withpackaging ideas for your studio. By beingaware of what your customer is aware of eitherconsciously or subconsciously out there in themarket place, you can add that extra specialtouch that pulls on their heart strings and theirloyalty to your studio.Cindy became aware that she was very affectedby presentation at a young age when she toldher Mother that she could not eat on thesedishes one more time. She was notcomplaining about the food, just thepresentation.Cindy started on a journey of collecting all thedifferent types of packaging offered by variousretailers and the emotion trigger that theytouched. She has lots of hands on examples thatyou can take a look at and in turn apply to yourbusiness. Following the big “guys” in themarket place and taking their ideas and fittingthem in your budget and brand.Cindy has been a photographer for thirty plusyears, first working out of her house while herchildren were at home and later opening astorefront, which is the best decision herhusband ever made.She has a loan print and was namedPhotographer of the Year a number of yearsago.