PPGH offers the following membership categories

Professional Active Membership.  An Active member is defined as a Photographer who is or desires to become a professional photographer/visual artist creating work in various mediums, still or motion, within the scope of the professional photography industry. Below are the requirements to be submitted to the Board of Directors to be considered and approved for Active member status. Annual dues are $95/year.

This memberships entitles the member to full voting and office holding privileges, discounted educational opportunities, participation in the image competition, participation in the Fellowship program, proper use of the PPGH logo and are listed in the online directory.

Life Membership.  This membership is reserved for those who have served as a past president, remain in good standing for one year following their term as President and has received approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Honorary Membership.  This membership if for individuals who have been recommended and approved by an unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.

Life and Honorary members are exempt from payment of all dues and are entitled to full voting privileges, discounted educational opportunities, participation in image competition, participation in the Fellowship program, proper use of PPGH logo and are listed in the online directory.  Life and Honorary members are not eligible to to hold the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary and or Treasurer, but may serve on committees or action teams. 

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