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The PPGH annual elections will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at our annual Business Meeting.
The Nominating Committee met June 18, 2020. The Nominating Committee Members were Alvin Gee, Karen Butts, Laura Mansur, Kim Christensen, Mitch Daniels, and Teri Whittaker (chair).
The Nominating Committee received information regarding the candidate for each office to see that the nominees met the requirements of that office and that each candidate is willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. After careful consideration, the Nominating Committee has chosen for the 2021 slate of Officers and Directors, the following Professional Active Members who they believe will diligently and timely perform the duties of that office as required by the PPGH bylaws.
The following slate of PPGH Officers and Directors for 2021 is:
PPGH Member
Chairman of the Board
Kathy Kinser, CPP
Laura Mansur, Cr. Photog.,CPP
Vice President
Tara Flannery, CPP
Alison Montgomery, Cr.Photog., CPP
Joan Reynolds
Membership Director
Cornell McGhee, CPP
Director at Large
Theresa Campbell, CPP
Michael Crawley
Maryanne Keeling, M.Photog., CPP
Nominations will be accepted from the floor for all positions except Chairman of the Board.
Only Professional Active Members and Lifetime Members may vote. Voting may be done in person OR online. An email will be sent when online voting becomes available.
Please plan to attend the annual meeting! We look forward to seeing you.